Pareja expresando sus lenguajes del amor

The 5 Love Languages: Test and Explanation

Dr. Gary Chapman coined the term "love languages" to explain how we express and receive love. But love languages ​​aren't just for romance. You can use love languages ​​to appreciate your coworkers, to support friends, and to show your partner that you care. Knowing the languages ​​of love will help you both in your closest circle of people and to strengthen the relationship as a couple.

Which of these languages ​​refers to the way you feel cared for or like to show that you appreciate someone? Normally, people have a primary love language and a secondary one. It is important to know them in order to ask for what you need and to be able to show your partners, friends and colleagues your appreciation in the way you like to receive it.

words of affirmation

Words of Affirmation: Words of affirmation are verbal cues for others to express how much they love and care about someone. Words of affirmation can also be compliments and reassurances that confirm inner love in an outward way. People who need words of affirmation need to hear them often from the people they love, and to feel loved, they need to hear out loud what the other person is thinking.

For example, express compliments or recognize qualities constantly. There are people who show their affection through words and for this reason, they also take it very much into account in their relationship.

Quality time

Quality time is about spending time together enjoying each other's company. There are people who highly value not only being in the same space with their partner, but also carrying out actions with that person, such as some activity or conversations to continue investigating each other . These people feel loved when they do fun, entertaining activities, when they help them with something that is difficult for them, or new activities...

Here we leave you an article to make plans with your partner to spend quality time or this new article with more than 60 ideas to have a perfect date with your partner

Physical contact

Physical contact is the demonstration of love through hugging, cuddling, intimacy, or simply putting a loving hand on someone's shoulder. People who need physical touch want to be hugged, they want cuddle moments, and they always want displays of affection to feel that you love them.

These people have a great need for physical contact. It may be hard for them to verbalize what they're feeling, but the way they hug you and reach out to you is also a powerful form of communication.

gifts and surprises

Gifts and surprises: There are people who associate emotions through details, through objects such as gifts. For these people, giving an object is a symbol of their love. In addition, they appreciate the value in the intention, not in the value of the material object. They can be notes, CDs, flowers or leave a cupcake. These small gifts are tokens of love for the person who gives or receives them.

People who need gifts feel special when money and/or time are spent choosing something for them. Gifts are often a great test in relationships for people who speak the love language of gifts.

Don't you ever know what to give your partner? You can give him this very creative game called "Lovely Night". With questions and romantic and erotic challenges that will make a very different night.

romantic couple game

acts of service

Acts of service: Preparing a meal, caring for the other person, helping them with everything they need... These types of people show their love through helpful acts and feel loved when they do the same for them. However, it does not mean that they are dependent.

Acts of service are acts of love when someone performs an action for another. It could be cleaning, cooking, driving, or even running an errand. By doing that act of service, the other person feels love or shows love.

Isn't it true that you are curious about yourself now? How do you show your love? Do you feel identified in any of these? Take the test to find out:

If you are interested in knowing more about love you can see helen fisher personality types in love

We recommend that if you are looking to strengthen the relationship with your partner, take a look at the different games for couples , such as the game of romantic challenges :

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