masturbacion pareja

Couple Masturbation: Step by Step, Tips and Benefits

For a long time it was a myth, but today masturbation is more and more accepted, less taboo and with much more information about it so that you can enjoy it to the fullest. Although many associate it with something to do alone, doing it as a couple is gaining more and more strength as a way to turn the relationship around, get it out of the routine and enjoy sex life to the full.

In case you doubt it, masturbation consists of giving ourselves sexual self-pleasure through physical stimulation, whether or not it is possible to reach orgasm (one or multiple).

Thus, masturbation is a healthy act that gives pleasure to the person who practices it and that is completely natural and even has several benefits.

What is partner masturbation?

Couple masturbation consists of manipulating each other's genitals with your hands, producing total excitement. The best thing is that if you are going to do it, do it alone first, that is: explore yourself!, touch yourself, see where and how you feel more pleasure so that you can communicate that to your partner, you will surely enjoy it and you will do it. may he or she enjoy it too!

Keep in mind that partner masturbation also refers to pleasuring yourself while your partner watches you. That makes him know your arousal points better.

Why is it important to practice masturbation as a couple?

Masturbation as a couple is important because it increases confidence, improves knowledge of each other's bodies, and makes you connect much more. If your partner sees how you touch yourself, next time they will know how to stimulate you better and therefore, they will have a more pleasant relationship.

Tips for mutual masturbation

If you want to practice masturbation as a couple , there are some guidelines that you must take into account so that you enjoy it:

  • Consent: The first thing you should do is talk to your partner. Communication is critical to the success of this practice. Tell him what you like or what you don't, what you expect. You must also listen and be able to set limits and agreements where you both enjoy what you do. It is not worth doing something just because the couple feels good, the idea is that you both feel completely comfortable.
  • Care and hygiene: Before masturbating it is necessary that you incorporate hygiene habits: clean hands and toys, clean intimate area. If toys are going to be shared, it is necessary to use a condom to avoid infections. Get a lubricant that you like.
  • Self-examination: As we already mentioned, self-examination is very positive. This will be a reference for your partner to know and see what you like and how you like it, you can transmit it if you already know your body and you can achieve that through masturbation .
  • Interaction: It is recommended that you be in front of each other, that is, that you can see each other, start with kisses or caresses and little by little start touching yourself, first on your own body and then little by little start touching your partner and allow it to touch you too. Remember to place your hands on your partner's genitals and begin to stimulate little by little, watch the reaction of another.
  • Here it is important that you take toys into account, they will provide you with extra pleasure and help them discover new sensations.

    Remember that there are toys for all tastes. Some to stimulate the vulva and the clitoris, others for the penis, in short, you can decide according to what you like. Each toy has different characteristics, such as its size, vibration, shape and texture.

    female masturbation techniques

    There are several masturbation techniques that will allow you to maximize pleasure:

    • Focus on the clitoris : Touch it with your finger and rub gently from top to bottom, starting around it so that it is not a sudden sensation but a pleasant one.
    • Slow stroking: Using a single finger or more, slide lightly and smoothly down the center of your vagina until you reach the clitoris. Take a good look at which areas give you the most pleasure and alternate the movements between slow and fast.
    • From side to side: Change the direction of the movements and go from side to side, also changing the pressure you make in your areas.
    • Circular movements: Another type of movement is the one that is made in the form of a circle, very popular and that covers the entire area.
    • Sex toys: You can incorporate the sex toys you want, of different textures and shapes and try them out in the bathtub, in the shower (while you are accompanied by the water jet) or simply lying on a bed or in a chair.
    • Lubricated masturbation: You can use some type of lubricating gel before inserting your fingers into your vagina. This increases the sensations and makes them much more pleasant.

    Male masturbation technique

    Male masturbation also has 'its trick', and that is if you are looking for how to masturbate a man , this is what you can take into account when practicing it:

    • Oral simulation: Simulates lips on the head of the penis. Lubricates for the erection. Press the glans gently and pass it through an opening between your fingers, maintain the position of the penis with the palm of one of your hands on the glans.
    • The sheet technique: Lie down on the bed and place a sheet over you. Something that is made of a soft material, hold your penis with one hand and stimulate it outside the sheet, it will give you incredible sensations.
    • The ring: Form a kind of ring at the base of your pain with your thumb and middle finger, slide it until you reach the glans. When the 'ring' of one hand runs out, the idea is to form another with another hand and continue stimulating, always upwards, the important thing is never to go down.
    • The vagina: Lie on your side while holding your penis with both hands, but this time do not move your hands, do not move your pelvis, to simulate penetration. How to incorporate sex toys into mutual masturbation?

      To incorporate sex toys into mutual masturbation , it's important that you start with the hands. The stimulation should start manually slowly to gradually increase the tone, making it faster and incorporating the toys. It is important that you talk with your partner, about what toys are or are not allowed and how is the best way to take advantage of them. Take your time to enjoy your partner or to help you see how you enjoy your body yourself.

      Benefits of female masturbation

      Female masturbation brings several benefits such as:

      1. You will enjoy sex more: Masturbation serves to guide your partner about what you like best and that helps to have greater enjoyment.
      2. Greater well-being: The hormones that are released during masturbation generate greater pleasure.
      3. Helps minimize menstrual pain: The hormones released help reduce this discomfort.
      4. Deeper sleep: Masturbation helps you sleep better since once you finish it induces you in a state of relaxation.
      5. Less stress: As in the previous point, the relaxation produced by masturbation helps reduce stress levels.

      Benefits of male masturbation

      If you are a man, masturbation is also very positive for you, because:

      1. Helps fight premature ejaculation: Masturbation helps make sexual relations last longer.
      2. Promotes rest: Helps to fall asleep better, given its relaxing effect.
      3. Prevents incontinence: Masturbation in men allows you to exercise the penis and prevent incontinence and erectile diffusion.
      4. Less stress: Just like girls, men who masturbate can relieve boredom, stress and anxiety, which increases the level of happiness and pleasure.
      5. Strengthens the pelvic floor muscles: The man who masturbates exercises the pelvic sleep muscles.

      Masturbation during pregnancy, is it safe?

      Masturbation is healthy for pregnancy as long as it is not risky . If it is not a pregnancy with complications, masturbating will not pose any danger to the mother or to the baby.


      Masturbation brings a unique self-knowledge in your body, so you will enjoy the sexual act more and you will be able to teach your partner to enjoy it too. It is beneficial for the relationship and also for your health. Do you try it?

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