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TRUTH OR DARE: +500 HOT Questions

The best truth or dare questions: spicy, online, strong outgoing , uncomfortable, hot, to have a laugh, explore your most romantic side or, if you have had a drink too many and want daring questions , this is also your article . Here we leave you the best truth or dare questions to ask ;)

How to play TRUTH OR DARE?

Here we leave you a great choice of different truth or dare questions to ask. (If you are at a distance you can also ask the truth or dare questions online ). Some you may find are more spicy and others more fun . How to play the game? Player A selects the question that he likes the most for player B to answer, if he doesn't want to answer, you can scroll down and propose a challenge to do or... You can come up with one too!

If you still want more, you can always see the "Truth or Dare" product that we have in our store.


1. Spicy Truth or Dare (HOT)

2. Truth or dare questions as a couple

3. Dares for truth or dare

3. Truth or dare uncomfortable questions

  • For him
  • For her



If you are looking for hot truth or dare questions to spark conversations at your next party or daring questions , this list of unique hot truth or dare questions is for you. You can also do them with that person you are dating ;)

  • Have you ever made love in an unusual place? Where did it go and how did you feel?
  • When was the last time you touched yourself thinking of someone? Who was the person? Tell it all!
  • Have you ever seen someone close to you having s_xo? How did you feel?
  • Have you been caught having sex or touching yourself?
  • Who is sexier? You or I? Let's prove it!
  • Have you ever been attracted to someone of the same sex? Count it!
  • What time is hottest for you? Early morning or night?
  • How was your first s_xo experience? Was it as you expected?
  • If you have had erotic encounters with +10 different people so far, be quiet and still.
  • Have you heard or seen your parents in action? How did you feel?
  • Have you ever received negative opinions after having s_xo with someone?
  • Do you have a good night that remains forever in your memory? Do you mind sharing what happened?
  • Have you ever tried with more than one person at the same time? If the answer is no, do you want to try it?
  • If the answer is yes, how did you feel?
  • Have you ever done it with more than one person at different times in a 24 hour period?
  • What turns you on about men/women every time you think about it?
  • Have you ever hooked up with someone just because you wanted a favor or something in return?
  • Have you ever made the first move and been turned down right away? Do you mind sharing what happened?
  • What's the fastest someone has put you in bed and left you wondering what happened?
  • Have you ever lusted after one of your parents' friends? Tell us more about it.
  • Have you ever wished that one of your closest cousins, a sister, or a close relative was not related to you at all? Tell us more about it.
  • What is the sexual act that you swear never to do or try again in your life?
  • Have you ever been in the friend-zone? Who has had you in the friend-zone? Did you try to tell him how you felt?
  • Have you ever tried an o_gy? If not, would you like to try it one day?
  • Have you ever been tied up and blindfolded? How did you feel about the experience? If not, would you like to try it one day?
  • Have you ever taken someone's virginity? How do you currently feel about the matter?
  • Have you had to lie to two people before making the decision to continue with one of them?
  • Have you had to test two men or women for you? How did you feel at that moment? How did you resolve the conflict?
  • Have you ever gotten mad or been mad at you right after the first sexual experience and never given a reason why?
  • Have you ever had a sleepover only to get kicked out early in the morning?
  • Have you ever woken up next to someone you don't know and wondered how you got there?
  • What is the strangest thing someone used as bait to come visit you at home or vice versa?
  • Have you tried filming the two of you doing it and watching it together? If not, would you like to try it?
  • Would you like to give or receive an erotic dance?
  • What part of your body gets the most compliments? And by whom?
  • Describe your perfect erotic date idea
  • Describe your first intimate experience
  • Have you ever fallen in love with a teacher? What did you feel when you saw him?
  • Fierce or fiery, what defines you in bed?



  • Narrate your first breakup story by giving all the details.
  • What was your biggest disgust in a person of the opposite sex?
  • What motivates you in life?
  • Have you ever tried your pet's food?
  • Have you ever cursed your partner's family? Because?
  • What's the craziest thing on your wish list?
  • With which actor would you change your life for 10 days?
  • Have you ever sent an inappropriate selfie to your ex?
  • What makes you cry and jump for joy at the same time?
  • What is the worst gift you have received from me (your partner)?
  • What, in your opinion, is something I should change about myself?
  • What is your biggest fear about relationships?
  • Name two of your guilty pleasures.
  • What is something disgusting that you still like to do?
  • Would you mind satisfying someone for money?
  • How perfect am I as a couple?
  • What do you like the most to do together?
  • Partying in a pub or movie night at home?
  • What is the biggest insecurity in our relationship?
  • How would you spend a whole week without me?
  • What is your favorite color on me?
  • At what age did you have your first kiss and with whom?
  • Have you ever dated someone older than you?
  • Who is sexier? Me or you? Let's prove it!
  • Have you ever accidentally sent a wrong intimate message to a friend?
  • Have you ever broken up with an ex right before his birthday to avoid buying him a gift?
  • Have you ever started a rumor about someone you hate?
  • Have you ever been to a strip club?
  • If you could win a thousand dollars, would you stop watching your favorite series on Netflix?
  • Have you ever felt uncomfortable in the presence of your parents? When?
  • Has someone ever broken your heart? Who?
  • What is one of the house chores that you hate doing?
  • How many serious relationships have you had?
  • Have you ever been on a blind date? Count it!
  • What animal comes to mind when you think of me?
  • Is there a nickname I've given you that you absolutely hate?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • What does the smell of my perfume wake you up?
  • Which of my friends do you like to talk to and who do you hate?
  • What was the first lie you told me?



Don't want to answer the truth or dare questions ? It's okay, here we leave you the hottest and funniest challenges:

  • Brush your teeth with apple cider vinegar
  • Open the backyard gate and bark like a dog for 30 seconds
  • Call an Italian restaurant and ask for sushi
  • For the next 15 minutes, speak only in a whispered tone.
  • Slowly eat a tablespoon of cinnamon powder
  • Use toothpaste to wash your hands
  • Call your friend and yell liar on the phone, three times
  • Imagine you've won a Grammy and give an acceptance speech
  • lick your dog's ear
  • Read the newspaper in a romantic style
  • Call the pizza makers and ask if they have the secret to the perfect pizza
  • Call your best friend and ask him if he stole your watch
  • Jump like a frog for 2 minutes
  • Recreate your favorite romantic scene
  • Peel an onion without using your hands
  • Pretend to be a chair against a wall for 2 minutes.
  • With garlic cloves, apply a lip balm or lipstick
  • Pretend the broom is your guitar, put on a stage show
  • Call an old friend and talk nonsense
  • Eat a cookie without using your hands
  • In the room or wherever you are, land your imaginary spaceship and talk like an alien
  • Go shirtless and punch like a gorilla on his chest, for a whole minute
  • Recite any poem backwards
  • Talk to Siri for 7 minutes without interruption
  • sing a lullaby
  • Pretend to be your favorite father-in-law
  • Do a somersault without falling
  • Eat like a monkey for 5 minutes
  • eat 10 cookies in a minute
  • Close your eyes and floss your teeth
  • Whisper one of your darkest secrets
  • Open and close the fridge 16 times, in 16 elegant ways
  • Draw the best possible image of your boss and post it on Twitter without giving any further details.
  • Eat a plate of spaghetti with your fingers
  • Call the nearest supermarket and ask if they have lactose-free ice cream for your rabbits
  • Create an account on a dating app and write a crazy bio.
  • Send a weird GIF to the 10th person on your contact list
  • Mimic five emojis
  • Perform a stand up comedy
  • Act like a crying child for 4 minutes
  • Place ice cubes in the palm of your hand and make a fist. Hold it till they all melt
  • Cut some onions and tell a funny story while you cut them
  • Dance with your dog for 3 minutes
  • Send a poor joke to your parents
  • Use a voice changer filter and send a funny voice message to your ex
  • Talk to a chair like it's the famous person you like
  • Row an imaginary boat for one minute
  • Juggle 3 eggs without breaking them
  • Dress up like a pop star and sing a romantic song dedicated to our relationship
  • Get on your knees and propose to me with a joke
  • Freestyle rap about our relationship
  • Give me a relaxing foot massage
  • Strike the best partner yoga pose
  • Twerk on a boring song, until the music stops
  • Draw the alphabet in the air with your lips
  • Send a dirty text using only emojis to your best friend
  • Put on Youtube and dance to the song "Bob the Builder"
  • Eat a cupcake in the most disgusting way possible.
  • Hug and kiss a cushion or pillow.
  • Give yourself a spanking 5 times.
  • Go to the kitchen and dress yourself with the things you find.


For him:

  • If you had to choose between dating someone ugly who is good in bed or dating someone sexy who is bad in bed, what would you choose?
  • If you could be invisible, who would you spy on?
  • Who are the 5 most beautiful girls you know?
  • Who would you kiss in this room?
  • If you could date one of your brother's girlfriends, who would it be?
  • What is your favorite body part?
  • When was the last time you posed in the mirror?
  • Describe your perfect partner.
  • Have you ever been in love?
  • Blondes or brunettes?
  • What turns you on the most?
  • If your parents hated your girlfriend, would you leave her?
  • If your girlfriend hated your best friend, what would you do?
  • Who is the celebrity you like the most?
  • Would you take steroids?
  • Have you ever fallen in love with a friend's girlfriend?
  • Who are you jealous of?
  • Who do you think is the sexiest in our group?
  • What is your biggest rejection?
  • Have you ever been rejected by someone?
  • If you had to choose between being poor and smart or being rich and dumb, what would you choose?
  • What have you lied to your partner about?
  • Have you ever cheated on your partner?
  • Would you date an older woman?
  • Are you in love with someone from another school?
  • Boxers or briefs?
  • When was the last time you cried?
  • Have you ever fallen in love with a friend's girlfriend?
  • If you could make out with someone else's girl, who would it be?
  • If every time you looked at a girl's body you gained 2 kilos, how often would you do it?
  • Have you ever lied about your age?
  • Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?
  • If a girl you don't like had a crush on you, how would you act around her?
  • What if it was your friend?
  • What would you do if you found out that your girlfriend likes someone else?
  • If we were to form a boy band, who would be the best singer?

For her:

  • What's the worst date you've ever been on?
  • Have you ever fallen in love with a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend?
  • If you had to hook up with a guy from school, who would it be?
  • Would you rather go a month without washing your hair or go a day without wearing a bra?
  • Have you ever asked someone out?
  • Have you ever fallen in love with a person at least 10 years older than you?
  • Who is the worst kisser you've ever kissed?
  • What is your bra size?
  • Are you wearing boxer shorts or granny panties?
  • Do you ever admire yourself in the mirror?
  • Has a lover ever found out that you like him and rejected you?
  • Have you ever been stood up on a date?
  • What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done with your crush?
  • Do you secretly like Twilight?
  • Have you ever wanted to be a cheerleader?
  • Who is the sexiest? Hagrid, Dumbledore or Dobby?
  • If you could marry any celebrity, who would it be?
  • What do you do to make yourself "sexy"?
  • Who is your current crush?
  • What hairstyle have you always wanted, but have never dared to try?
  • What is the most embarrassing thing you have said or done in front of someone you like?
  • What part of your body do you like and what part do you hate?
  • Who is your celebrity crush?
  • If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be?
  • Who was your first kiss? You like me?
  • Who are you jealous of?
  • If you could be another girl from our school, who would you be?
  • Would you kiss a guy on the first date? Would you do more than that?
  • Who are the five most handsome boys in our class? classify them.
  • How many children do you want to have in the future?
  • Who do you hate more?
  • If you could date a celebrity, who would it be?
  • If you were stranded on a deserted island, who would you like to stay with from our school?
  • Have you ever flirted with your best friend's brothers?
  • Have they ever left you? What was the reason?
  • Entertainer, nerd or badass?
  • Have you ever fallen in love with a friend's boyfriend?
  • Who would be your first choice for prom?
  • What is the sexiest thing about a guy?
  • What is the sexiest thing about a girl?
  • What is the physical trait that you would change in yourself if you could?
  • Would you rather be a boy than a girl? Because?
  • Describe your dream career.
  • If you could eat whatever you wanted without gaining weight, what would that food be?
  • If you had to do a contest with someone in this room, who would you choose?
  • Would you go a year without your phone if it meant you could marry the person of your dreams?
  • You're going to be stuck on a deserted island and you can only carry five things. List them.
  • If you could only have one hairstyle for the rest of your life, would you choose curly or straight hair?
  • You have to give up one makeup item for the rest of your life. What is it about?
  • Would you date someone shorter than you?
  • If someone paid you $1,000 to wear your bra untucked, would you do it?

If you've had a good time, we recommend you go one step further and purchase one of the erotic games , such as the kamasutra game or the truth or dare game.

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