sexo con la regla

Sex with the Rule? We tell you how step by step

Having sex during menstruation is a practice full of myths, there are those who don't see any problem with it and even enjoy it, or it excites them. Others, on the other hand, find it unpleasant and even dangerous.

The truth of the matter is that this experience has several advantages and disadvantages that are worth taking into account. So whatever your opinion, the most important thing is that you and your partner feel comfortable and enjoy the experience to the fullest.

Can you have sex during menstruation?

Of course! The rule does not mean that every month you should stay away from sexual practices for a few days, if it does not bother you or your partner they do not have to stop doing it, there is no reason to avoid having sex anymore that it is something safe for both and that taking into account some recommendations, it can be very pleasant.

Of course, remember that communication is the key and that they should always discuss it, so that it is by mutual agreement.

If the decision is to do so, do not forget to remove the tampon in case you use it, as well as compress it (mostly to avoid looking unpleasant when taking off your clothes) and if possible take a small shower, It can even be the first step in a sexual encounter, accompanied by caresses, kisses and why not, a delicious foam or bath gel, delicious aromas, in short.

The pros…

What if there are pros? We tell you:

  • Less cramps: If you are the typical girl who spends the whole period with menstrual cramps, having sex with your period can help you reduce them, since you will have a natural and very powerful pain reliever: orgasm. Remember that with this the muscles of the uterus relax causing relief and pleasure and with this, less colic, more health.
  • Fewer days: having sex during menstruation makes it shorter, that is, it lasts fewer days, since the contractions of the uterus cause the uterine lining to accelerate and therefore the period does not last as long.
  • Goodbye headaches: If you suffer from migraines or frequent headaches, this practice could come in handy. There are studies that show that there are groups of women who have seen their pain lessen when they have sex 'back in the day', so it is advisable to try it out to see how it goes for you. If it works for others, why not for you?
  • Lubrication: Without a doubt, the vagina will be more lubricated with the rule, so penetration will be very pleasant. The blood acts as a natural lubricant, which generates greater arousal and comfort when having sex.
  • Release endorphins: Sex releases endorphins. Simply put, it makes you happier, so there's no reason to deny yourself that dose of happiness. That will also make you look younger and without stress.
  • More pleasure for them : Some women say they experience more pleasure when they have sex during their period. This has to do with your hormones that cause libido to rise. Also, during these days women are more sensitive to touch, which causes more enjoyment.

The cons…

Although we have already told you all the positive things, these could be some disadvantages of having sex while menstruating:

  • It can be uncomfortable: staining yourself with blood may not be pleasant, neither for you nor for your partner. This taking into account all the care that must be taken with your clothes or bedding.

Thinking about what can be stained can cause a lack of concentration on the spot and therefore little enjoyment.

So, if you are clear that it is an experience that you want to live as a couple, let everything flow and enjoy the moment, put your mind in the there and now. then there will be time to clean up.

  • Disease risk?: According to several specialists. having sex with your period increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, therefore, it is better to be protected with a condom, since some viruses can be present in the blood. Remember that there are several types of condoms and that they can use the most convenient. Using it does not mean that you stop feeling! With the right one, the sensations can even increase and you will surely have a great time.
  • Bad odors: Blood already has a characteristic odor and if there is not good hygiene, menstrual blood can have an unpleasant odor, so cleaning with wet wipes or taking a bath can be a good strategy to avoid these olfactory accidents.
  • Limiting: Having the rule when having sex limits the positions a bit, unless you want to be stained, there are some positions that would not be very pleasant. The easiest would be seated or for the girl to lie down to avoid spillage.
  • Oral sex: obviously cunnilingus or oral sex is affected and limited, but if you both agree to do it, go ahead! However, remember that instead of this you can resort to masturbation or a toy, do not focus only on penetration, all the preamble is important for the best sex, with or without the rule.

If you decide to have oral sex anyway, it's best to focus on the clitoris, with the usual gentle movements and then increasing speed and strength. Feeling how it feels is key.

  • Pregnancy: If the decision to have sex during menstruation is to avoid pregnancy, be careful! The chances of getting pregnant may be lower, but getting pregnant depends on the ovulation cycle and the body of each woman.

The menstrual cycle can be tracked, but it cannot be guaranteed to work 100 percent, it can only give an idea of ​​your ovulation. So do not trust yourself, if you want to avoid pregnancy, it is best to plan and not leave it to the czar of your menstruation.

How can I do it?

Some recommendations if you decide to say yes to sex during menstruation:

  • Keep wet wipes handy for easy cleaning, plus put an extra sheet or towel on the bed, this lessens the chance of everything getting stained and it will be super easy to remove when it's all over without causing too much havoc.
  • Have latex condoms on hand, remember that protection is the main thing for both of you, remember that there is a wide variety of flavors, colors and different to the touch.
  • You can have sex on days when your flow is lighter, in case the heavy flow is bothersome.
  • Using soft tampons can be a good alternative, they are soft, they work like a sponge and you can use them while having sex. They are very hygienic and also imperceptible by the couple.

Having your period should not be an excuse for not having sex, if you talk about it with your partner and you both agree, what you should do is enjoy it, there is nothing to avoid.

In addition, sexuality implies creativity so that it can be enjoyed to the fullest and for any encounter of this type there are many aids that can be taken advantage of: having sex with a mask, for example, and playing for a while to give yourself pleasure, getting massages, playing in exchange of roles or even dressing up, they can be a fulfilled fantasy regardless of whether or not you have your period.

So let your imagination fly and don't let anything limit you when it comes to having sex!

Learn to know your body and that of your partner, each gesture means something that can be used to increase pleasure and have increasingly richer relationships at the level of experience and senses.

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