Soluciones a los problemas de pareja más comunes

Solutions to the Most Common Couple Problems

Although relationships are exciting, they make you grow as a person and are rewarding, they are also very complex and require patience, self-control, listening and, above all, very good communication. Relationship problems are normal and they are everyone's business, the important thing is not to let them spread and solve them well and above all soon.

What are couple problems?

Relationship problems are not unrelated to those with other people in the close circle such as family or friends, that is, they are spaces of anger in which conflict is generated and which, if mismanaged, can cause deep wounds in the relationship. relationship until it breaks.


There are couple problems when the following situations occur that can be read as symptoms:

  • Tension in the relationship: If you feel that things are not going well, that communication is not flowing and that you can't even speak because you can't be you, these are signs that you are in the middle of a relationship with tension. So the best thing is to talk and try to solve things, a relationship should always give you peace and tranquility.
  • Irritability: If everything about your partner irritates you, it is a clear symptom of relationship problems.
  • Low mood: If being with your partner makes you sad, you feel canceled or you feel low, it is something that you must solve as soon as possible.
  • Anxiety: As we already mentioned, a relationship should generate joy and above all tranquility and peace, otherwise it is not the case, it is time to evaluate what you have.
  • Arguments: If it is already a daily occurrence that you argue with your partner and that they end badly, shouting or using bad words, it is a sign that emotions are not being managed well and therefore there are problems that must be solved.
  • Anger: This feeling is fine from time to time, but when it is daily and is the normal state, it is synonymous with worry.
  • Distancing: If instead of living or sharing with your partner, you feel that you have a total stranger by your side because they are becoming more and more distant, it is a serious alarm signal.
  • Decreased ability to enjoy as a couple: If you no longer enjoy spending time with your partner or simple things that you used to enjoy, it is time to evaluate your relationship.


    There are some causes that generate couple problems and that you should take into account as a reference to solve these problems, the most frequent are:

    1. Jealousy, when they are excessive and do not allow the other to have their spaces. They generate prohibition and annul the other.
    2. Passive-aggressive communication and use of guilt: When they make you feel guilty all the time and use 'victimism' to make you look like the bad guy.
    3. Lack of time together: Not sharing time or interests, causing a gap to open between the two that can cause problems.
    4. Incompatibilities in the way of living sexuality: If you no longer enjoy sex as before and feel that they have fallen into monotony, it is something that undoubtedly causes problems in the relationship.
    5. Lack of a common life project: If you already feel that you have a different north and do not feel that you share similarities in your interests and projects, it is better to review and talk, because it is certain that many problems start here.

    The 10 most common problems

    1. Lack of communication: The lack of effective communication can generate misunderstandings, conflicts and resentments in the couple.
    2. Differences in expectations: Expectations regarding the relationship, goals and the future may differ and cause problems in the couple.
    3. Financial problems: Money management can be a source of tension and conflict in the couple.
    4. Lack of time together: Lack of quality time together can lead to emotional disconnection and decreased sexual interest.
    5. Cultural differences: Differences in terms of culture, religion or tradition can cause problems in the couple.
    6. Infidelity: Infidelity can be devastating to the trust and stability of the relationship.
    7. Intimacy problems: Decreased sexual interest, lack of sexual satisfaction, and sexual health problems can affect the relationship.
    8. Control problems: Excessive control, manipulation, and coercion can be forms of emotional abuse and cause problems in the couple.
    9. Family issues: Family pressure and conflicts with in-laws or families of origin can affect the relationship.
    10. Differences in parenting : differences in parenting and discipline can lead to conflict in the couple.

    How to solve relationship problems

    There are some tips or recommendations that you should take into account if you are looking to solve your relationship problems, they are the following:

    1. Open Communication : Communication and respect are the foundation of everything! That's why it's important to talk openly and honestly about relationship problems and express each other's feelings and needs.
    2. Active listening : Actively listening to the other and trying to understand their point of view can help find effective solutions. Don't pretend to hear it, really listen to it.
    3. Empathy : Trying to put yourself in the other's shoes and understand their feelings can improve mutual understanding and strengthen the relationship.
    4. Commitment – ​​Being willing to make changes and committing to finding solutions together can help fix relationship problems.
    5. Couples Therapy – Couples therapy can be an effective tool for working on relationship issues and improving communication and emotional connection.
    6. Space and time – Taking time to reflect and process your own feelings and thoughts can be helpful in finding solutions and improving the relationship.
    7. Respect : maintaining mutual respect and avoiding the use of hurtful or abusive words and actions is essential to solving the couple's problems.

    How to treat couple problems in therapy?

    1. Assessment : The therapist can perform a detailed assessment of the relationship and the issues the couple is facing.
    2. Communication : If you go to a specialist, there you can learn effective communication skills and encourage open and respectful communication in the relationship.
    3. Conflict Resolution : The couple must identify problem areas and develop effective strategies to resolve conflicts.
    4. Behavior change : The most common patterns of negative behaviors that are affecting the relationship must be detected, in order to develop effective strategies to change them.
    5. Strengthening intimacy : In a relationship you must work to improve your connection and strengthen your physical and emotional intimacy.
    6. Promotion of mutual support : We must promote mutual support and commitment in the couple.
    7. Individual therapy : In some cases, individual therapy may be recommended, that is, for each member of the couple to address personal problems that may be affecting the relationship .


    If there is goodwill, couple problems can be fixed. The fundamental thing is to have good communication, to know how to listen, to know how to say things. Arguing is not bad in itself if it is based on respect and knowing that we are all different and may have contrary points of view, but that does not mean that we should hurt or separate. A healthy relationship is one in which there are spaces to speak without being afraid and above all to express discomfort without this meaning a pitched war.

    Remember that if you feel that you should ask for help from a third party who is capable of giving it, you can ask for it, as long as this means the advancement and progress of your relationship.

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